my name is Manuel and I lived in Latvia for nearly one year. I’m from Germany and came to Jelgavas Bernu un Jauniesu Muszikas Klubs in July 2007 as their first volunteer. After getting an amazing welcome choir by the kids in BJMK’s Summer Camp, I spent a part of the summer with many interesting people, first in the camp in Koknese and afterwards in Jelgava. Introduced to the facilities of BJMK, I started to take over responsibility for different parts of the music school, such as technology or band rehearsals. Beyond this I was assistant for office tasks and organised my own little projects, for example a little christmas event. I was given the possibility of getting to know many lovely, interesting and talented people through my work and this project gave me a totally new perspective to the idea of volunteer service and the EU. I spent my free time quite often voluntarily in my work place, just to make some music or meet latvian friends.I even got drum lessons, given by a gypsy, communicating mainly with hand and feet and without a real common language – just one of the highlights of my EVS-time. I loved the time I had and I definitely planning to visit you regularly.
Šis projekts tika finansēts ar Eiropas komisijas atbalstu. Šī publikācija [paziņojums] atspoguļo vienīgi autora uzskatus, un Komisijai nevar uzlikt atbildību par tajā ietvērtās informācijas jebkuru iespējamo izlietojumu.

I certainly and especially these days (it has been two years!) remember lot from Latvia, while reading about St. Petersburg of the early 20th century and Jews living there. I have Latvia’s flag taped as ribbon on my guitar case and every time I do scales on the instrument there is Marcis in front of my imagination standing as a blond hair Saint (big greetings to everyone, hope Manuel is still around). I am well: waiting for responses from schools I have applied to continue a graduate studying. Am doing blacksmithing in my small Jelgava like town: candle holders, chandaliers…could have make guitar stands too:-)
Šis projekts tika finansēts ar Eiropas komisijas atbalstu. Šī publikācija [paziņojums] atspoguļo vienīgi autora uzskatus, un Komisijai nevar uzlikt atbildību par tajā ietvērtās informācijas jebkuru iespējamo izlietojumu.

I had another year abroad or in another country which was very important to me concerning music.
But this year in BJMK with all its facettes gave me a lot more opportunity musically, personally and professionally. Only here I organized my own 2 hour concert with something like 15 excellent musicians. This would not be possible in any other project or to this extend. BJMK gives the perfect conditions: Professional Equipment, Time, Opportunity, Musicians, and even Artists who made the promotion of my concert. I’m really thankful for all this support.
Šis projekts tika finansēts ar Eiropas komisijas atbalstu. Šī publikācija [paziņojums] atspoguļo vienīgi autora uzskatus, un Komisijai nevar uzlikt atbildību par tajā ietvērtās informācijas jebkuru iespējamo izlietojumu.

Mani sauc Marina. Man ir 20 gadi. I’m from Germany.
After I finished school in summer 2008 I wanted to go abroad.
So there was the question about where to go and what to do??!!
I wanted to go to a country I didn’t know a lot about. So I think Latvia was a good choice 🙂
As music takes a big part in my life it was a great decision to come here to BJMK.
My tasks in some short points:
- assisting in project work (phone calls and e-mails to foreign countries…
- helping in organizing and arranging concerts or promotion activities
- working in “Baby-school”
- looking after rooms
- small administrative works
In my months here in BJMK I met a lot of great people and got new friends.
Beside my EVS work, I had the chance to travel a lot (Sweden, Finland, Lithuania…).
I really enjoyed the time here in BJMK and I’m sure that I’ll come back. 🙂
Šis projekts tika finansēts ar Eiropas komisijas atbalstu. Šī publikācija [paziņojums] atspoguļo vienīgi autora uzskatus, un Komisijai nevar uzlikt atbildību par tajā ietvērtās informācijas jebkuru iespējamo izlietojumu.

Nicolas piedalījās BJMK Eiropas Brīvprātīgā darba projektā Let’s Rock! 2009. gada vasarā. Papildus dažādiem ikdienas darbiem saistībā ar mūzikas aparatūru, Nicolas nolēma arī izmēģināt savas iemaņas demo ierakstu veikšanā. Šajā laikietilpīgajā procesā piedalījās Jelgavas grupa „On The Roof”, kas ar Nicolas palīdzību ierakstīja 4 dziesmas, ko Nicolas pēc aizbraukšanas no Latvijas cītīgi apstrādāja. Papildus tam – vienai no dziesmām Nicolas arī pats uzfilmējis un samontējis nenopietnu, bet uzjautrinošu video klipu.
Šis projekts tika finansēts ar Eiropas komisijas atbalstu. Šī publikācija [paziņojums] atspoguļo vienīgi autora uzskatus, un Komisijai nevar uzlikt atbildību par tajā ietvērtās informācijas jebkuru iespējamo izlietojumu.

Savas atrašanās laikā Latvijā 2010. gadā, Arda fotografēja to, kas viņam šķita interesants un aizraujošs.
Šis projekts tika finansēts ar Eiropas komisijas atbalstu. Šī publikācija [paziņojums] atspoguļo vienīgi autora uzskatus, un Komisijai nevar uzlikt atbildību par tajā ietvērtās informācijas jebkuru iespējamo izlietojumu.

I’m David, from France, I will be volunteer worker in BJMK for 9 months. My mission here is to look after the rehearsal studios and to organize events for BJMK.
I’m glad to be here, to discover new ways of thinking and doing, and of course to share music because I am a bass guitar player.
Tiksimies driz BJMK !
Šis projekts tika finansēts ar Eiropas komisijas atbalstu. Šī publikācija [paziņojums] atspoguļo vienīgi autora uzskatus, un Komisijai nevar uzlikt atbildību par tajā ietvērtās informācijas jebkuru iespējamo izlietojumu.

Sveiki, my name is Leon and I’m from Austria. I have started my EVS year at the beginning of September. I had no Idea what I could expect from that country, project or year. As I’ve talked to other volunteers, I realized, that I probably got by far the best project in the program. I was fully free in what I was doing and Endijs and Zane trusted me. After a while there wasn’t so much work left to do in the actual school building, so I startet to empty out and clean the future school building. That maybe sounds like not so much to do, but it was. I also helped Endijs with many concerts, as I worked as an event technician before. The mixing of the final concerts for the BJMK 2018 was done by me, what was a real challenge. To sum up my last year I can say that I had never expected to live in the baltic states, but It was a real adventure and I’m glad that I got that opportunity.

Hi, my Name is Hannah and I have spent 6 months living in Jelgava together with my friend Sophie. During this time I have worked as a volunteer at BJMK and gathered many new experiences.
I am from Austria and after my gradutaion, I wanted to live some time abroad before going to university. Since a goal of mine has always been to one day travel the Baltic countries, Latvia seemed like the perfect place to spend my EVS.
While working for BJMK, I have not had one fixed job, but was able to fulfill many different tasks. Hence, no day was like the previous one and you were often faced with a new challenge to complete. Some of those assignments have been organising movie nights, soldering cables, scanning and organizing sheet notes, transporting sound equipment and music instruments as well as doing office shifts.
I chose to spend my European Voluntary Service at BJMK since music has been a passion of mine since I was little. Now looking back, I could not have picked a better place to spend those six months. It definitely has had a great impact on my life, thanks to all the amazing people I met as well as all those unforgettable experiences and new skills that I gained. I am really grateful for everything I experienced in Latvia!

Hi, my name is Sophie, I am from Austria and I spent six months volunteering at BJMK. After graduating school in June 2018, I wanted to take a study-break and spend some time abroad getting to know another culture and country and bordering my horizon.
During my European Voluntary Service at BJMK I had a lot of different tasks. I organized movie nights, scanned books, assembled drum sets and transported sound equipment. Moreover, I faced some challenges I gained a lot of new skills from. For instance, I helped with sound engineering, soldered cables and edited videos I recorded. So, I entered completely uncharted waters and through those experiences I definitely grew as a human being!
Furthermore, I got to know a lot of other young Europeans I could exchange my thoughts and experiences with. Additionally, EVS is a great opportunity to improve one´s language skills, not only with other volunteers but also at the work place.
Beyond that, my roommate Hannah and I traveled to some neighboring countries as we wanted to use the time we had properly visiting a lot of different places in Europe. I definitely don´t regret that I´ve chosen to volunteer at BJMK as it offered me a variety of tasks and challenges. Without any doubt I can highly recommend the European Voluntary Service to everyone who wants to grow beyond one´s boundaries and gain new skills – it´s definitely an unforgettable experience!